Goodreads summary:
"Fleeing before a relentless army, Todd has carried a desperately wounded Viola right into the hands of their worst enemy, Mayor Prentiss. Immediately separated from Viola and imprisoned, Todd is forced to learn the ways of the Mayor's new order. But what secrets are hiding just outside of town? And where is Viola? Is she even still alive? And who are the mysterious Answer? And then, one day, the bombs begin to explode..."
5 stars ☆☆☆☆☆
Young Adult/Dystopian
WHERE DO I START?! How can a human being create such a perfect sequel?!
Just like The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Ask and The Answer absolutely lived up to the hype. Just when I thought things couldn't get better, it went beyond my expectations.
Nonstop action and adventure I loved it!
What I loved:
Right away what I loved was that in the beginning it starts off right where we left off, it didn't go on to much about what happened in the first book and give information from what we already know. It continues the journey right where we left off.
I loved how fantastic the character development is. You can see how much Todd grows and is learning from his mistakes and even though I don't necessary agree with anything Todd does I still love him as a character and how you can really see the difference in him from when he "wasn't" a man, to now in New Prentisstown, someone who can potentially be a leader, but we will see how that goes later.
What I also loved was how Ness got both Viola and Todd point of view, how they are both in the same terrible town but how they are experiences totally different adventures in their own way, and how they are dealing with different struggles and lost in their own way but they always seem to have each other in mind always keep their connection intake whether they are together hurt and wounded or separated for months and months you can see that their love for one another is growing a developing into something powerful and gives me a feeling its going to really change the story in the next book.
One last thing i wanted to mentioned that I loved was how the characters in the first book;such as, Davy Prentiss, Mayor Prentiss, Ivan, Wilf etc. are all back into the mix of the story and you can also see Ness develop their characters in some way. When things get rough and war is upon them you can see what their true forms are.
I won't spoil much but one specific person I have to shine the light on is Davy Prentiss (the mayor son) Ness really did some great work with Davy and I'm sure without a doubt everyone who read this one had mixed feeling for Davy but really ended up understanding and felt for him and possible cried, I know I did!
I want to also shine light on the new characters that appeared in the story, they really had my emotions at 200% These new characters (Mistress Coyle, Lee,Corinne) and others really had very different personalities and really help the story have some depth into what this war and what that society is heading towards, showed how caring,brave,cruel,and wise people can be.
What I liked least:
I don't have much of what I disliked this book is a 5 stars with out a doubt but what I liked least is how Patrick Ness keeps living the books in cliff hangers!!!!! How can someone do that to a reader?! haha but yeah I finish the book in class and I was stuck with so many emotions and questions and I didn't have the next book to fulfill these emotions!
On a serious note though I still dislike the choices Todd makes, and I assume thats just my opinion and me being judgmental but perhaps everything will makes sense once I read Monsters of Men.
Overall, this book really blowed my mind, I love the development, the new characters, the old characters, the emotion, the action. I recommend this so highly that I want to be buried with this book hahaha jk but this book really deserves all the praise its receiving.
Have to end with the most important line I received from this book:
"You are the decisions you make"
Thanks for reading!