Goodreads summary:
"If seventeen-year-old Skylar Evans were a typical Creek View girl, her future would involve a double-wide trailer, a baby on her hip, and the graveyard shift at Taco Bell. But after graduation, the only thing standing between straightedge Skylar and art school are three minimum-wage months of summer. Skylar can taste the freedom—that is, until her mother loses her job and everything starts coming apart. Torn between her dreams and the people she loves, Skylar realizes everything she’s ever worked for is on the line.
Nineteen-year-old Josh Mitchell had a different ticket out of Creek View: the Marines. But after his leg is blown off in Afghanistan, he returns home, a shell of the cocksure boy he used to be. What brings Skylar and Josh together is working at the Paradise—a quirky motel off California’s dusty Highway 99. Despite their differences, their shared isolation turns into an unexpected friendship and soon, something deeper."
4.5 stars ☆☆☆☆
Young Adult
I mainly picked up this book because I was very intrigued by Josh's story and how his life can intertwine with Skylars. I've never read a book that deals with PTSD (Post- Tramadic- Stress Disorder) and I do realize it is a series issue and even though this story is fiction I felt like it would still speak on some level of the issue. And seeing the situation Josh is put in with losing his leg and dealing with his mental state was heart breaking and beautiful to experience. And to experience the struggle with Skylar was awhole other heartbreaking story to deal with on its own, seeing the struggles she had to go through since it was only her and her mother and how she had to grow up so quickly and provide for her family was something that really showed me how difficult most people life are.
It took me a couple chapters to get into it because I was trying to wrap around my mind the setting and the small town and how Skylar was in a trailer leaving from pay check to pay check. I leave in the city so I'm not super use to the small town theme and for some reason it took me a few chapters to really see how bad the town was for a teenager to blossom and explore the way a teen should. I honestly couldn't connect as quickly as I thought because I never had to go through what Skylar was going through which makes me very fortunate. So for the first couple chapters it was difficult for me to really get sucked into a story because I knew instantly it will definitely bring up some dark sides that I wouldn't normally hear about.
Once I got into this story I was hooked. This story was so beautiful I don't know how to put into words how great it was. The topic of military men and women and the after math of war is so powerful of a subject and I feel that Heather Demetrios did it beautifully. Even though this is a contemporary read I felt like the romance was not rushed and was hit on the perfect timing. We can see how both Josh and Skylar had there own issues and it wasn't ALL about there relationship which made it more realistic.
I enjoyed the other characters as well such as, Dylan,Chris, and Blake. These characters makes the reader realize what direction a person can take when everyone started at the same place. And we can also see the impact of emotion it has on the them when the Skylar and Josh are going through there own issues.
I want to have a own little section for Josh and say how much I loved his character. I applaud Heather Demetrios because I feel she did her researched well and even though I don't know anyone personally who has gone through PTSD or any military injuries, I feel that Heather Demetrios creates Josh to really help the reader see the reality of what it is like in a soldiers head and what the person goes through mentally and physically after they experience something very tramadic . I personally enjoyed seeing the up's and downs and feeling that light at the end of the tunnel experience for Josh. I just completely loved him as a character.
Overall, I highly highly highly recommend to any military families out there, to any man or woman, young boys or girls who service our country, and to anyone who would really enjoy a beautiful amazing book! A MUST READ!
Thanks for reading♡